Sunday 5 December 2010

Fluffy Slippers and Pom Poms: - Fifth Episode

Pier stood looking at her making her feel like a matador the challenge was so intense. Now was he going to turn into a raging bull of indignation? Helen was finding it increasingly difficult to look at Pier for too long, his eye and cheek bone was swollen and changing to a whole spectrum of colours. Was she going to crumble under the burden of guilt?

It was Buster who broke the fighting stance of matador and bull, he banged them both on their knees enough to say ‘there are more important things to do than looking at each other in challenge mode. Like a walk!’  Buster sat down and lifted his paw waving it at Pier begging him to put his lead on. He took the lead from Helen without reluctance or second thought. Poppy and Foxy girl had theirs in their mouths and sat waiting patiently.

By the time they had walked out of the old mill, they were back talking as easy as old friends. Just over the bridge and to the right was a public footpath that ran along the river Gipping. A well trodden path that started open and was soon closed in by over hanging trees. On a day like this it glistened in the morning sun and soon humans and dogs were lost in the pack walking mode, which slowed the heart and gave a sense of an almost hypnotic trance state. All too soon this was broken by the others out for a walk. The dogs eager to greet, giving the humans the excuse to pass the time of day with a few remarks on the weather and such. This was why Helen had Poppy, a year later came Foxy Girl as a companion for her and Buster was a rescue she just could not turn away from. Buster had a telepathic ability, Helen was sure of it.

Soon they had reached the big open space just before the lake. The three dogs were excited and eager to be free. Pier was taken in by the walk and was now proudly holding Buster’s lead; well he was a model dog. He loved people, dogs and life with vitality you just could not deny; it was also very infectious. The three poodles sat knowing that was the only way they would be let off their lead and waited for the command to be released but as soon as Helen uttered ‘along’, they were off. Ecstasy ran through their bodies. Crisscrossing each other with Buster going underneath the girls tummies, Helen and Pier stood back to admire their exuberance.

Helen had the compulsory balls in her pockets and all of a sudden attention was paid by the dogs. As soon as the ball was released from the throw the dogs had it in their sights. Though the Standard poodles could cover more ground in a stride, Buster had the agility and it was him who manoeuvred around the tree, jumped impressively high and caught the ball. Pier wanted a go and Helen walked over to a friend as he threw the numerous balls for the now five dogs.

While talking to Sue they turned to look at Pier. Sue was one of Debs close friends, so the pretence had to be kept up. To Helen’s horror Sue already knew that Pier had stayed the night and Sue thoroughly approved and thought Pier was a dish and they would be very happy. They both noted a known flirt walk over to Pier and her Blue oldie English Bull dog; Sue and Helen thought brought only for the man appeal factor.

Bella the bull dog laboriously sat down and waited for the onslaught of the others dog’s interest. They had to admit that she was a very beautiful dog in her wrinkled way. A very happy looking dog; she looked as though she was laughing with a temperament to match. Encouraged by the other dogs she went to play, with Buster flirting persuading her to come along a little faster.

Sue started to walk over to Pier and Helen became aware that she knew him. Oh lord she thought deeper and deeper into the fire of pretence and began to wonder where all this was going to lead. The sooner his eye mended, and Deb put in her place the better; they could have a big row and end it then, hopefully making Deb and Piers sister stop fixing up blind dates. Helen didn’t like holding onto all the threads of deceit it confuddled her ordered brain. There again she could have some fun with Cindy (the flirty dog walker) who had become a friend.

Giving treats to all the dogs on the way over to them, she beamed at Cindy and put her arm through Pier’s.
‘You didn’t tell me you were living with someone.’ Cindy cooed
He’d stolen her thunder; she started to pout at the loss of the strike; though Sue’s face was very pleasing. This was going to get back to Deb as soon as they were out of earshot. If not Sue, Cindy would defiantly get there as soon as she could. She devoured men, especially attached ones. They stood there while a cloaked inquisition went on, which they both avoided with child like pleasure. Pier’s eye caused a great stir especially when he announced that Helen had done it. The happenings of the previous evening explained and Deb’s sneaky hand in it all; with the little back dress she told Pier Helen so desperately needed. He then announced; even though Helen thought he was an android at work, he had won her over with his smooth charm. Oh you won me over did you now, I had succumbed, did I? Thought Helen, you are so going to pay for that one.

They left the girls in consternation. Both girls knew Helen well enough to know she could not just flippantly walk into a relationship. They also knew Deb and she would be in absolute turmoil that her little sister had done such an impulsive thing, especially as she instigated it all. They would love to have been invited to Deb’s for Sunday lunch; it was going to be the blast on the century, an event not to be missed.

The dogs bounded over to the now retreating and entwined couple, who; unknown to the girls they had just left, were again having a quite laugh at their expense.


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