Thursday 28 October 2010

My Beautiful Flight of Fancy

 Ever wondered why things go missing or why you spend most of your time looking for something you had forgotten. Well here is my explanation as to why this is.

(a 'Flight of Fancy' is an unrealistic idea or fantastic notion and sums up a Tilly Moment)

I first saw my flight of Fancy on a birthday card, so beautiful was the fairy that I decided to draw her, that's when the trouble began. You see when you take a fairy into your mind and then your heart, she stays there and as this particular one is so mischievous; not that she means any harm but... well that's when things became so haphazard and the well ordered and planned things in my life took a spiral dive into the fanciful side of life. 

She flew around and through my thoughts, causing havoc and mayhem in my dreams and when I scanned her to keep her in my computer for safe keeping, she put fairy dust in my hard drive and now my computer looks like my brain, that is to say, scrambled, out of place and gobbeledy gooked. 

Now you would have thought I would have learnt my lesson and stayed away from the pencils and paints, but Oh no not me! A couple of butterflies, bees, birds and plants later and I have given her a whole menagerie to play with. Perhaps it had something to do with how I felt when I drew them, after all, it was magically pleasing.

Alas I now find letters and cards I should have posted in odd and strange places, socks always in singles and never in pairs and when I shout 'eureka!!! I've found a pair' and run to the place I had put it's mate, I find that little odd sock has now gone missing.

I have tried to be sneaky and try to capture her, quietly, unmoving with my butterfly net. You see I thought if I could just capture her and put her somewhere safe where she can't cause any more mischief, things would go back to normal. But just as I'm about to pounce the telephone rings or the door bell goes and by the time I get back something else is missing. they tell me it happens at this age what ever this age is.

That something I had just picked up and needed very much, though I can't remember what it is or why I need it. I sit for ages trying to remember and when I'm just about to give up, it appears where I thought I had lost it in the first place and in the place I had spent ages looking for it. By then she has escaped and hidden; no doubt in the same place as everything that has been misplaced. I now spend half my life looking and not seeing and not believing in what I know is true; fairies really do exist!

Oh well, she gives more than she takes, I suppose. You see she gives me hope for the future, as my dreams take flight with her, maybe one or two could possibly come true. She gives me time too, while I look for what I had lost but perhaps don't need. But best of all she makes me laugh, mostly at my self it has to be said, how silly I must look, looking for what I think I should have but don't need.

There are  times when she makes the light fall gently on my dreams and I see the beauty of them for what they are, little snippets of time full of fun and laughter with my friends and family.

So be careful with my beautiful flight of fancy as looks can be deceptive, she may look like a perfectly innocent fairy, all fairies do you know, but they are very tricky. I hope to capture her soon in my blog so you can see for yourself.

Thanks for spending time with me and I hope you enjoyed your visit and that you will call again.
