Saturday 12 May 2018

#ME Has a Long Recovery From Having Fun

My son turned 13 last month and like all 13-year-old he was excited. We were going away for the weekend to celebrate and he was looking forward to quadbiking and trying his hand at cross bow.

Unlike most 13-year old he had been in training for the excitement, travelling and hoping he was well enough to achieve his goal of riding free on a quadbike.

With that careful training like an Olympic athlete he was in good shape, feeling good and up for the challenge. The quadbiking lasted around 45 mins and he was amazing.

Unlike normal 13-year old when he got off the quad bike he could not speak or move his legs and was in immense pain all over his body, my son has Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME). His recovery will be long and painful

ME is an invisible illness that effects every part of his bodies systems, leaving his body exhausted and in a state of shock every time he tries to live the life he had. ME has been abused and the only real research in the UK backed by Department of Work and Pensions, has been shown to be fraudulent. Many universities around the world use it as an example of how not to conduct a trial. Yet the NHS England still defend it and the Lancet refuse to take it down. It would appear like Windrush peoples position is more important than integrity and truth in the UK.

Unfortunately, my son could not attempt the crossbow as his body had flared so bad, we knew he had to spend the rest of the weekend recovering.

His dad went home on the Sunday took his sister back to university. Angus needs quiet and calm in order to recover. He hates quiet and calm, it is not in his nature to be still, this does not help with his recovery. Even though his body flaring is a common occurrence it is still a shock for him to go through and for me to deal with.

We have no medical help and even though there are many things that can help to alleviate the flare Doctors are unaware due to the misinformation and the voodoo research that has been allowed to continue. True biomedical research that has never received any government support or funding.

How long will it take him to recover from this much enjoyed weekend? Who knows, the scary thing is he may never recover. Why does the ME body go through this Post Activity Increase of New Severity or Symptoms (PAINSS) is the key to finding what ME is but as yet the Government have hindered all those who have tried to find out.

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