Wednesday 1 April 2015

One day at a time - So how was Angus yesterday (31/03/15) one day after the hospital appointment?

So how was Angus yesterday (31/03/15) one day after the hospital appointment?

He was slower and wanted to be left alone. His apatite was not good and his sense of taste and smell effected; he asked me if I used a different butter to cook his pancake with, I even had to show him the pack to reassure him it was the same. He could only manage a quarter and that was visibly forced down and not enjoyed with his normal gusto.

When he went outside (part of his baseline), the wind “hurt”, not surprising as it was gusty and colder than he had expected. So I told him to wrap up warm to get his body temp back, and not to worry about going out and brush the dogs instead. His brother surfaced and he played on his game instead. Tink and Amber were devastated and were not impressed with my best efforts at appeasement.

Periodically he wanted to throw the American football around to practice his throwing and catching skills, and I must say we are both improving – though my skills as a thrower need to be perfected; I hit him in the mouth and on his bad and very naughty baby tooth that is hanging in on in there, stubbornly and at a jaunty angle.

I had no choice but to leave my two boys to have fun, it would have been – over anxious, I thought to try to stop them when Angus looked and felt OK. After all he had gone to the hospital like I asked, payback was to let him have fun, and there can be no better reward, or way to recover.

Cramp set in at bath time – which was handy as one warm and soothing bath and wrapping his legs to keep them warm as he went to sleep helped. Sleep was hard to fall into and he said this is when he worries. After an hour or so he did fall asleep and even now he is still slumbering. The time is 9am and his normal waking time is 8.30am.

My anxiety is on a typical mother level, accomplishing the jobs before the children wake so that I may enjoy being with them. My sadness level high, I would love to get out of the house for a whole day.

Deepest joy, although Angus has the sniffles, his colour is in the “pink spectrum”, perhaps by this afternoon (his best time of day) he will be up for a Pizza Hut, fingers crossed everyone x

By the time I had hung out the washing, tidied Angus’s bedroom it is now 9.45 he is happily dressed (without being asked) and talking to his friend.

With much joy

Tilly x

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