Monday, 8 November 2010

Sweet Amber eyes herself

Tinkerbell Getting ready!!!

Grace Her Sweet Amber eyes still make me smile

Wish my two girls could have met; they would’ve had so much fun together. They have made me walk and through walking I have gained so much.
It was not my Idea to put the tiara on Grace and I thought she would claw it off within a matter of seconds but she never did, she wore it proudly and her pink top has Princess written on it. Now some of you will say a dog is a dog and I won’t and can’t argue with that, but fun and cute are good for the soul. I have yet to find a totally frivolous outfit for Tink but rest assured I will and will post a pic on my blog when I do.
Off for a walk to see how this year’s buds are coming along and for a spot of contemplation. Have a go yourself take a wonder and a gander. It makes you feel good!

Have fun Tilly x

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