Friday, 26 February 2016

Playing Football with the Dog

Playing Football With The Dog

I miss my son when I play football with the dog. I can still hear the laughter and the growl as boy versus small terrier took place. I let my mind take me back to those moments in time. As I wind my way around the garden, with my son’s image following me. Before I could control those images of time that has passed, a soft sadness wrapped itself as I took a look at the landscape I once loved and enjoyed.

I turned sharply to avoid the capture from the frenzied ball of fluff, when I slipped on the freshly made mud, as it splattered up my face, my foot sliced open the sludgy earth and I knew I had to make ready for the squidgy impact. I started to laugh and was still chuckling, impressed that I managed to evade complete coverage. But that joyous echo of fun and calamity was hollow and empty. I stood up slightly stiffly, what a silly thing to do and such a mess to get yourself in. Slightly bruised in ego and thigh, I looked up to my son’s room and saw a shadow in the window.
In those webbed and filtered moments my son and I had spent together, spinning a dazzling history, I could hear what once would have been his sarcastic retort at my incompetence to stay on my feet. The shadow disappeared and Amber had got over enthusiastic, bouncing up and down splattering mud and barking at the ball. I wanted to retreat into the house, having fun with free movement just seemed so wrong.

Amber had taught my son how to tackle with finesses of speed, with the agility that a professional footballer would be proud of; he had shown great promise and had been spotted by a local team coach, before tragedy struck. My son’s presence was on every blade of grass, I could no longer stand the emptiness. Amber sat down and looked at me with her crooked cropped face; note to self, let the dog groomer do her job!

That little dog had more empathy and understanding than most of the medical team we had met. They seem to be willing to let my son just fester in pain with no real understating of why. I attentively start to move and look at the mud pack on the side of my leg. Perhaps that was a little unkind, in reality because of the history of ME they were wrongly informed by those that did know better, but out of profit and gain promoted that it was just a case of getting your mind over the fact your body was or had been ill. You try to say otherwise you are met with a caustic reaction. Mental health in this country is being let down. Explore the physical and you are half way to healing the mind. Addicts throughout the ages have taught us that. Understand the withdrawal and how that has an effect on the chemical changes in the brain, and you can make miracles happen.

I breathe in deeply as I pass all the medals in the porch and touched them with the sadness I felt. I must get lunch I sighed, so I went to clean myself up. It was no good; the mud was so extreme I’d have to have another shower. I sighed with a downward glance as Amber wagged her tail up at me. The sloppy sucking motion of the tunic I had been wearing clung to me as though it did not want to let go, and enjoyed covering me more with the gooey stuff. Amber was now waiting in the spot where the water falls in the shower. I looked at her as she turned her back to me and water stared to power wash her body. I rolled my eyes as Amber tried to bite the flowing water, but as soon as I stepped in she calmly waited for the soap.

Disasters come in differing forms, for different people, don’t you think? Someone’s disaster is another’s slight inconvenience. One person’s pains are another’s insignificant discomfort; we all see things differently and cope in differing ways. Most days I can put the past where it belongs, shut it away and look to the here and now as researchers don’t know what my son’s future holds, I have learnt not to look too far ahead. But bad days start with those times in my life when what used to be insignificant and such a part of life you rarely thought about them. They are now the ones I long for, those insignificant happenings have become those which mean the world to have back, as my everyday reality. I smile as Amber lies under the radiator to dry herself. While I dry myself down and change my clothes.

With determination I put on the radio and clean the area to prepare the food, my hair still wet and limp. A couple of years ago I would never have dreamed of letting my hair look so un-kept and free. But who was here to see or care.

Once a great joy of mine, I would indulge myself in preparing a meal that would be eaten with gusto, each bite swallowed without a chew, I would scold him and he would shrug his shoulders. Indigestion was nothing to be afraid of, just a burp to resolve the discomfort. Coeiliac is part of the autoimmune picture I try to paint with eloquence to educate the people I know, but end up painting unsightly blobs they don’t understand. With one autoimmune inconvenience came more, with his ME we have found many lurking in his tortured body.

I become aware of the conversation between interviewer and promoting psychologist, the kind and friendly way she spoke, that put across the plight of these poor people and how they could simply improve function by moving. I could hear the presenter of the program taking the bait, of just need to re-educate your body back to health. The specialist that was reportedly the expert with regards to ME, was as sweet as acid on an open cut, in her narrative.

One vertebrae at a time, prickled with the dismay of it all. I shouted at the radio, “their bodies produce twenty times the amount of acid in their muscles than normal people, you should know that! Lactic acid causes damage to their brain, don’t you know!” But they didn’t hear. Somehow the science is not getting through. Mental health being a buzz word at the moment, “we are all mental, all dealing with problems in life. Few of them can be resolved by thinking that the world is fine and dandy.  You need to physically resolve the issues and kind people to support you while you deal with  the shit that is left!” The words bounced off the walls.

I remember reading the psycholobabble when my son was first diagnosed. These people with the power to control everything to do with ME astound me! The lengths they would go to and the harassment they give out. How they were allowed to do that and how stupid they are.

Coeliac was to do with modern day demons they explained. This explanation fed into our, “bless these poor unfortunates” reasoning of mental health; they convinced crowds of doctors and politicians, who were only happy to comply. Don’t bother doing test on these poor people, you will be feeding into their belief system that they are truly ill? Researchers should understand the damage they are doing to these poor people, giving them reason to stay ill instead of working to be well! Everything to do with your body can be controlled by your mind, don’t you know, strong mind and stiff upper lip, is all they need!

I am sure that if they said that broken bones could be healed by the patient’s own determination, our government and the NICE people would wholeheartedly believe them. We all like to think we are in control and to blame lesser mortals who don’t happen to get better, as if it was their own weak will that was to blame!

I enter my son’s room, just as he flings into flight landing on the bed making a duvet angel. My stunned face looks down on a face of a zombie like child, who just can’t help himself but to live and get the most enjoyment out of life he can.

Mind body continuum does not figure in his life, psychosomatic behaviour is nothing to him, control over his world not given a thought; just the need to live life to the fullest he can, whenever and however his able. You have to admire him.

I thought, as I put down his plate and sipped from my coffee, and looked upon his smile from his grey green face; if it was a matter of your mind controlling your illness, therefore your body, he would be fighting fit!

The End

The above story is a work of fiction, but Amber plays herself. What kicked off the story was the quote from some of the papers I have read about the school of thought that kicked off the notion ME was not a neurological disease, but a culture bound syndrome? These little nuggets are real tell-tale signs of how the man thinks. It’s a bit like reading about Cinderella not being able to go to the ball, because the stepmother has a plan.

A quote from Weesley:
"The epidemiology of environmental illness is reminiscent of the difficulties encountered in distinguishing between the epidemiology of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), a belief, and chronic fatigue syndrome, an operationally?defined syndrome...These patient populations recruited from the environmental subculture are a subgroup of patients who can be expected to show unusually strong beliefs about the nature of their symptoms, associated with a high percentage of psychiatric disorder...These total allergy syndromes are akin to culture?bound syndromes afflicting modern developed societies where sufferers from unexplained symptoms no longer see themselves as possessed by devils or spirits but instead by gases, toxins and viruses."LM Howard, S Wessely. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 1995:25:503?514"

Weesley should tell that to my sons Villi!! My son was diagnosed as having Somation disorder and was never checked for Ceoliac disease, because the medical profession still believe when they suspect CFS, it is somation and no testing should be done? The sad thing is Wessley is still believed even though the evidence has always been there that ME is a Chronic neurological illness, but there again Donald Trump is still sounding off; its funny old world.

Ceoliacs is an autoimmune disease that flattens the finger like tentacles that collect the vitamins from the small intestine and can go hand in hand with ME.  I have no idea how long he has suffered or if this could have been avoided if a more sympathetic approach had been followed.

My son was diagnosed with PoTS and because he was put on GET I wonder what effect this had on him. As far as I am aware no Paediatric looks for PoTS (Postural orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

Most of all I think Weesley and all his followers should take full responsibility of taking Millions pounds out of research by producing a very bad trial called PACE and protecting it by calling people  who ask for the data as "vexatious". They should apologise for the appalling things they have said about  the people they were supposed to be supporting through their illness. How they have hounded and treated other Doctors and researchers.  As Maureen Hanson put it:
“Furthermore, our detection of a biological abnormality provides further evidence against the ridiculous concept that the disease is psychological in origin.”
Her resent research:

The Tymes Trust has given me invaluable information over the last year or so, Jane Colby has tirelessly worked and campaigned to protect children and their families like me. As I was just finishing this story Jane's Blog fell into my FB page, great minds think alike, especially when they stand up in stripysocks!

They have a new leaflet to explaining Paediatric ME:

Researchers like Julia Newman are proving what we have known all along, but still get less notice in the headlines. Prof Julia shows and explains the effects of exercise on ME sufferers.

Standing up for Fatigue - Professor Julia Newton and Professor Jason Ellis

And now Julia has another paper, which proves that the heart and the blood volume are affected

Monday, 1 February 2016

A bit of word Tomfoolery on a Monday morning

If you have any form of Chronic illness you will know the Hell in Beauty

Add your condition and the beauty of your life: Family, friends, cooking, gardening or just a small amount of time pain free. I want to build a landscape that we live in X

The Living Hell of Beauty

Meet and greet great disaster
With every punch and blow
You stand still
Stand firm I say
Take it like a man my girl!

What the bloody hell is an upper cut?
Oh... there it is!

There is something deep
Within that makes me hold
Hold it in, and take the blow
Solar plexus

You’re from shoddy family
Connections far too low
To be strong of will?

Listen to him, listen close
He makes sense
Does he not?

Shadow boxing
Does not make you stronger you know
Hold firm
The truth do will out
In the end

Take a look from histories landscape

That soft foggy landscape
Where no beauty should aspire
But see the poppies
The lowly nodding poppies of beauty

Do you hear the voice of the nightingale?
It rises with the truth
And the hidden beauty

And yet, the weasel and the stoat
Gnaw and bite the beauty back
Hide the truth
Behind the veil of fog
That covers the beleaguered soldier’s agony
Their hypermobility flung out with PoTS
A belief system
Not a living hell?

Quiet contemplation will fix the landscape
March I say, march!
Accept you are mentally ill
Because I say so!
You are not living on a
You are living in a dream world
My Girl!
Because I say so!

It does not smell that way to me Sir
The sun of truth
It does burns bright in my eyes Sir
I see the world as it is
Thank you

I see the poppies
On the gentle breeze of change
I hear the nightingale singing the truth 
In Berkeley Square
And beauty
It has always been there
And is set to rise!

Beleaguered soldiers young and old
Will walk hand in hand
Solid, strong  
And united!
They shall not be forgotten!
Nor will you Sir

Nor will you!

Friday, 8 May 2015

If your car was broke how would you try to fix it?

I wrote this post two years ago. As my son was going through Graded Exercise Therapy and Cognitive behavioural Therapy. Angus was deteriorating and was left bedbound. Having never being listened to I got quite cross with the medical profession, but that was no help to anyone. Two Years on we have learnt a lot, it is a shame NICE and the medical profession, NHS chose not to!

Yesterday I was taken by my family to the seaside; you cannot begin to imagine how this felt. I do not have the words to express the 101 emotions and joy. My twelve year old boy wanted me to hear the sea; I love the sound of the sea in summer. He wanted me to trust him. He wanted me to listen to him.

I took my own advice and I did listen to him, I did and do trust him. We ate fish and chips, we had ice-cream and we played on the amusements.

He took his own Heart Rate and Blood pressure readings, and I did not say a word. I have an amazing young man who is my hero, who is unique, my prize possession along with his sister who took me out for a Sunday jaunt to Felixstow.

How things could have been different/should have been different if they had only listened back then at the beginning. They seem to think that if the wheels move then don't look under the bonnet but: 

If your car was broke how would you try to fix it?

Say you had this car, I'm not talking about any car but a unique, your prize possession of a car. You had this car from new and lovingly looked after it.

It is a glorious and beautiful sunny day, a good day to go to the beach. You know the sort of day I mean; the one you have been waiting for after a long hard winter. There is a crisp joyful tingle to the air, the blackbirds are singing. The sky for the first time, has that watery blue that makes you want to bath in the light of the warming sun. You really need to get out of the house and the idea of fish and chips along the sea front, with an ice-cream as you watch the sun slowly sink in the sky. Those sort of days that warm the cockles of your heart and soul. The days that make life worth while.

You go to the little car that is your pride and joy and marvel at the paintwork gleaming in the morning sun. You check everything is as it should be and you turn the key. The little engine splutters into life and although your a little puzzled to the haphazard running of the engine, you can't wait to get started, so brush it off as one of those things. Gently you start your journey but the buzz of the engine makes you just want to go with the flow, and as the engine fires into action and everything looks and sounds OK, you put your foot down and the little cars revs with joy.

The top is down the wind is blowing the cobwebs away and the simple pleasure of the beach starts to sing to you as the salty air fills you with memories and dreams. You hear the little engine misfire, and you start to loose speed. You are still moving, so not to worry, we will get there, we are in no hurry. You pat your pride and joy with reassurance and confidence, that when you get home you will be able to sort the problem out.

On the way back home, after just managing to get the fish and chips, you say not to worry we will come back when we have sorted the issue out and have an ice-cream next time. Your little car slows to a stop and you call the breakdown services out.

But they have no idea what the problem is and as you both stand there and scratch and look for problems it starts to rain. The emergency services advise you to fill the tank up with fuel and try again. many times you try to get the little car to the garage until finally you decide to go and get the fuel and fill the little car up where it stands at home.

While you check everything you know to clear the unseen problem out you dream and plan. Glorious days at the seaside getting that ice-cream you never had. going to summer shows, visiting friends and being with family. The little car keeps trying but even if you get to where you had planed to be the little car can barely make it home afterwards. For days and days you try to get the engine fired up again but it just wont turn over.

On the days you have it booked in to the mechanics for an overhaul, it runs - perhaps not perfect and not as it should be, but the engine ticks over. They say to you, just take it out for a good run, and it will be fine, it will clear out of all the gloopy stuff and will be better after that.

Each time you do this your pride and joy's engine keeps misfiring, and the paintwork somehow dulls no matter how hard you try to polish it. Other days it fires into action and you have a hard time catching up with it and fill your heart with hope, but this never seems to last very long. You sit with the little car, dreaming of past outings, the fun with family and friends you could be having. You plan.

My question is what would you do?

Try to keep starting the engine?
Run it flat out to try and clear the problem?
Trust the mechanics with their spanners and wrenches?
Try to look closely at the fuel?
Check the battery?
Look at the alternator?

Everything is just very slightly damaged in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

In Dr Myhills Second Edition of Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis it's mitochondria, not hypochondria 2017 she has the same sort of analogy

Think of the body as a car:

Engine = mitochondria
Fuel = diet and gut function
Oxygen = lungs
Fuel and oxygen delivery = heat and circulation
Accelerator pedal = thyroid glan
Gear box = adrenal glands
Service and repair = sleep
Toolkit  = methylation cycle
Cleaning - oil = antioxidants
Catalytic converter = detoxification
A driver = the brain in a fit state

Every thing on this list has been effected by ME

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Tilly Moments: Learning to Catch ME/CFS Before They Fall One of t...

Tilly Moments: Learning to Catch ME/CFS Before They Fall
One of t...
: Learning to Catch ME/CFS Before They Fall One of the most important things I have learnt throughout Angus crash with ME, is learning ho...

A year on and Still learning to Catch ME/CFS Before They Fall No Data released from the PACE trial either

Learning to Catch ME/CFS Before They Fall

One of the most important things I have learnt throughout Angus crash with ME, is learning how to catch him before ME strikes yet another blow; it is difficult and very frustrating.

Knowing triggers is important, but it’s like trying to hit a moving target. The symptoms it causes are complex and immense, as it affects all the functional workings of the body: flight/fright/stand survival mechanism, immune system, brain, spinal fluid, respiratory function etc. in other words the whole of you, the way it reacts and how you behave and think. Nothing is left untouched, and can be misunderstood.

Listening to the body’s slight shift and changes is the key I suspect, but again it is very difficult and time consuming. Being prepared for the ever changing ways as you progress up or down the functionality scale is a little tricky, and I am beginning to wish I had a full troop of special ops, trained to kill and a couple of spies wouldn’t go a miss either. Fluffy socks – I’m only a mother.

The worst thing of all with this slowly squeezing the life out of you disease, is that as soon as the sufferer looks, and moves better, they and the people around them think they are ready to strive forward and recovery is on its way. In reality, hidden within their cells is a silent assassin.

After a good day or even a week or two in Angus’s case of being normal – comes the slow stealth of the assassin, killing the ability to produce energy, then the pain of every muscle shouting the assassin is coming, every movement a hidden struggle as the assassin moves through your immune system, opening the doors wide for any little bug to crawl in and cause havoc. A slight sore throat, a tender ear, they rest but it’s too late, the assassin has done its work. The scary part is that you never know what you are going to be left with, as each attach takes a little more away from you with a longer period of recovery (that part is very scary).

And what do most people see – someone who nearly got better, but gave up.

On the outside is my Hyper 9 Year old son, who thinks, and we believe is invincible, because he looks it. He is strong of will and determined – life will not hold him back!!! Is he frustrated you bet!!!!

On the inside everything is eroded and corroded by the silent assassin, wires of pain left bare.

Every assassin leaves a trail and a signature, Angus’s ME telltale clues of this disease:

v     Slight change in his apatite and taste, even his favourite treat taste funny
v     Sounds become irritating – unbearable ­– painful
v     Cold and painful muscles even when he is resting
v     Becomes confused – can’t answer basic questions
v     Temperature changes from high to low
v     Sore throat
v     Painful ears – congested – eardrum bursts
v     Because of the toxins in his body he starts to feel sick
v     Eyes feel uncomfortable – painful – light sensitive
v     Clothes and cloth feels harsher than they did

That is just the beginning; the signs can come gradually or are quick to set in. They never come in the same order and they can go quick or take days to subside. The scary thing is that some never leave.

Angus is soon going to be 10, he has learnt to live with chronic pain for the last two, nearly three years, with his ability to recover on a go slow. What you must ask yourselves HOW WOULD YOU COPE IF IT WAS YOU???

We don’t want sympathy - there are a lot of people out there coping with pain and have life shortening illnesses. What I do need you to understand is that if we push people into recovery with ME/CFS Fibromyalgia we can do great harm, prolonging their suffering and making it life long.

Evidence shows that if you take your time, stopping at a sustainable level for a long period before you increase your level of activity (you have no idea how frustrating it is), you can regain some or most of what you have lost.

The question is how do you do that with a hyper nearly ten year old? How do you catch them before they crash to the ground? bouncy castle? Safety net? Or Loving arms?

2017 and my son has been housebound for all this time. Because I found out what this illness needs by myself his symptoms are only brought on when he over does things, a price he often pays to enjoy some life.

Research has moved on but still we fight the powers who want to silence us, why do they want to do that? We can only but guess.

Perhaps soon we will have a test and then some progress for treatment the proof is in the blood:

Friday, 3 April 2015

Tilly Moments: Learning to Dance in the Rain

Tilly Moments: Learning to Dance in the Rain: Angus has slowly slipped down, yesterday (2 nd April 2015) was a difficult day (his friend was off to see a film and he was desperate to g...

Learning to Dance in the Rain

Angus has slowly slipped down, yesterday (2nd April 2015) was a difficult day (his friend were off to see a film and he was desperate to go to; we talked through how we could do this; but he even needed help with getting dressed, so we kept busy with other things. This morning he seems brighter with none of the awful tummy cramps that he suffered most of yesterday. So I’m hopeful that by allowing him to find his own way of recovery, he has got himself back to his low baseline of activity. This baseline causes no extra symptoms and many rest periods of just talking to friends and watching YouTube. He wanders around trying to keep as active as ME/CFS will let him.

Listening to others who have to control activity etc. like people with diabetes and thyroid, they seem to understand their bodies, but can’t necessarily tell you how. This whole controlling, because we know thing is not working for us/Angus, it feels as if we are constantly putting a round peg in a square hole.

It is very hard to make or talk about plans for the future, and therefore almost impossible to stay upbeat and look forward. It is more crushing to make a plan for the future and not be able to set a date to do it.

For example: Just before his last setback we had planed to go and see “Home” a new film that looks a lot of fun and one we would both enjoy. I was all set to book tickets for its first showing. We planed to take a few of his friends and have a pizza afterwards; this was to be his birthday treat/party. In our eyes this was most defiantly achievable. He relapsed and we had to go to the hospital that journey has had a long recovery attached to it. At the moment there is very little chance of us being able to go at any point in the near future.

You learn to cope with the setbacks, but it is very difficult to plan and therefore very hard to look forward. I keep telling myself as long as the “here and now is as comfortable as it can be, that’s the best…. I never do get to the end of that sentence.

Learning to dance in the rain x


This year November 2016 we went to see a film for the first time in a year. His tummy cramps are part of the normal over exertion we have learnt to accept and this is slowly being recognised by the research now coming out. Soon there will be more understanding, and perhaps doctors will give our children more support and we won't have to fight so hard for the basic human needs. But for now, I'm just so grateful that with Dr Speight's understanding. His knowledge of ME, gives confidence is us and allows Angus to take control. He is in less pain than he was a year ago. 

Doctor Speight's wisdom has enabled me to allow my son to tell me how to support him. This is a wonderful gift.

It is now summer 2017

Angus is learning to live within his confines of his bodies ability to produce enough energy; cognitively and physically. It is hard to watch and support when you know how much he loves to do. 

The cruellest things are said by the doctors who just cannot accept this is a physical disease/condition, and wont support you or your child. When you sit in a room and they talk about keeping up with the social side of life you want to; well I am not quite sure? Put them in a suit of lead and tell them to dance the night away? take their oxygen away and tell them to keep a conversation going? Do they not understand how cruel it is? A young boy cramped in a cocoon, wanting to burst free?

I look across at his crestfallen face, one in which he thought doctors would be able to have some answers to the paradox world he lives in.

What do I say to this now young man, ill for four yeas with no answers, when he turns and asks 'When will it be over mum? When can I do anything but this" his arms fling out to the four wall of the hospital room, the only outing he will probably be able to have all summer. 

He is in less pain now, but we miss the sea, we miss the cinema, the shopping, coffee out for me and a hot chocolate for him, getting to see friends and taking the dogs for a walk, sand on our toes, we miss people that we will never meet again, the talking and enjoying the freedom of movement, just popping out for fun, ice-cream, the lake, Bury in Bloom, the theatre, the atmosphere, LIFE!

So please the next time you have an ME patient in your room, take a leaf out of Dr Speights book and give a little empathy. 

It is now 2018 and nothing much has changed. We haven’t been to see a film this year and it’s now the 6th July.

He was 13 this year and we took him for a weekend away so that he may have an experience of riding a quad bike. It took a lot of planning and what I term as training to get him in a fit state to travel, and then partake in the event.

I explain in this video

After that weekend he stopped talking to his friends. I am not entirely sure why. He heard a conversation when his friends thought he wasn’t listening, where they explained that they only talked to him because their mum’s make them. That he was faking his illness due to being able to go out and riding a quad bike, so he was not ill.

I would like to say this is just children talking, but sadly it is how society is made to think. If you are sick you have to show it either with the treatment you are having or being in hospital.  Chronic long-term conditions never get the publicity, they are hidden and used as a pawn in the game of politics. The undeserving sick is the way my son is seen.

Most Social Workers, Attendance Officers and teachers are there to stop the bullying, but when it comes to hidden illnesses; where you don’t die, they are just as bad. They are now actively looking for Fabricating and Inducing Illness, though there is no evidence to support that every mother with a child who has a complex illness suffers from FII. No records of wrong accusations are kept by anyone and no support given, and records wiped of the falsehoods. Who cares as long as it is not you right? No smoke without fire. Reading some court reports the lack of understanding is sickening. Some senior judges have questioned the increase. However they can only act on information they are given by the research and the medical profession.

 So, when I was questioned about this birthday event that also celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary, I was not surprised. The fact that my son works harder than anyone just to sit up and take part in a conversation, is dismissed out of hand. Neither is his condition understood due to politics and empire building.

Foster homes are littered with children like my son, as Fabricating and Inducing Illness becomes big business and another empire to belittle the battles having a child with any form of illness, chronic condition or disability, and no one knows, because the mothers like me and their families are not heard or believed. We are silenced by constraints put on us by Governments with no accountability of wrong doing, we are easy targets. Taking away from us is lightening the burden on society?
This is not a new problem, I have met mothers who have been under this pressure for decades and as they become older, they worry about their now adult children becoming victim of the political landscape. Those who strive to make Metal Illness untreatable and unresearched unless it is in their field, makes every illness a mental priority with no support, just blame and guilt changing people’s reality through differing disorders, that a logically approach would spell out the human condition and difference.

How is it that in the year 2018 we are going back to Tarot Card reading as a way to diagnose conditions. Mix this with science, to make it believable and sell it to the public as a treatment and then only offer that treatment if you pay privately. These types of trials and treatments have been ripped apart for decades. Why then are they still around, I can think of 101 reasons none of which are ethical.

We read books and watch films in the comfort that they are nonfiction, but very often those books are based on observations and I for one feel very much like the Handmaids Tale

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

One day at a time - So how was Angus yesterday (31/03/15) one day after the hospital appointment?

So how was Angus yesterday (31/03/15) one day after the hospital appointment?

He was slower and wanted to be left alone. His apatite was not good and his sense of taste and smell effected; he asked me if I used a different butter to cook his pancake with, I even had to show him the pack to reassure him it was the same. He could only manage a quarter and that was visibly forced down and not enjoyed with his normal gusto.

When he went outside (part of his baseline), the wind “hurt”, not surprising as it was gusty and colder than he had expected. So I told him to wrap up warm to get his body temp back, and not to worry about going out and brush the dogs instead. His brother surfaced and he played on his game instead. Tink and Amber were devastated and were not impressed with my best efforts at appeasement.

Periodically he wanted to throw the American football around to practice his throwing and catching skills, and I must say we are both improving – though my skills as a thrower need to be perfected; I hit him in the mouth and on his bad and very naughty baby tooth that is hanging in on in there, stubbornly and at a jaunty angle.

I had no choice but to leave my two boys to have fun, it would have been – over anxious, I thought to try to stop them when Angus looked and felt OK. After all he had gone to the hospital like I asked, payback was to let him have fun, and there can be no better reward, or way to recover.

Cramp set in at bath time – which was handy as one warm and soothing bath and wrapping his legs to keep them warm as he went to sleep helped. Sleep was hard to fall into and he said this is when he worries. After an hour or so he did fall asleep and even now he is still slumbering. The time is 9am and his normal waking time is 8.30am.

My anxiety is on a typical mother level, accomplishing the jobs before the children wake so that I may enjoy being with them. My sadness level high, I would love to get out of the house for a whole day.

Deepest joy, although Angus has the sniffles, his colour is in the “pink spectrum”, perhaps by this afternoon (his best time of day) he will be up for a Pizza Hut, fingers crossed everyone x

By the time I had hung out the washing, tidied Angus’s bedroom it is now 9.45 he is happily dressed (without being asked) and talking to his friend.

With much joy

Tilly x

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Am I Just An Over Anxious Mother? Well actually NO!!!!

Am I an Anxious Mother?

You bet I am!! For two years I have had to drag the medical profession kicking and screaming to accept my young son’s physical illness.

Two years ago I wrote this after I was severely reprimanded for taking my child’s symptoms as a problem, that I must understand that this has an impact on my son's perception? I ask you those symptoms caused me great concern and anxiety, should I just ignore what nature is telling me. 

I have since found out many underdiagnosed and treatable conditions that have caused those symptoms and I wonder how many children and parents are groomed to believe they are mentally ill rather than they are physically suffering. 

How many mothers have been forced quiet by the PACE trial. The lead researchers and advocates could not even determine what recovery meant? For fluff sake this is not an intellectual debate about how far the mind can control the body - this is people’s lives we are talking about!

This is what I wrote:

So it was decided that we must address my anxiety. I acknowledge my anxiety and would hate to inflict this on Angus and agree if I was doing this it would indeed be a very bad thing.

I explained that my anxiety is mostly upped a few notches on the richter scale due to the chronic pain Angus is left with when he has over exerted himself, or enjoys a game, reads a book or film. So what do I do when he is rolling around in pain I asked? Divert the pain and take his mind off of it, the answer came as it always does.

The trouble is all the way through this illness we have been dismissed this way. It is nothing new and it makes the sufferer and career feel as if they are just the ones that are unable to cope. New and old studies and research prove what this illness does to the sufferer’s body physically, but these are just nonchalantly waved aside! It astounds me, and yet I have been forced yet again, to keep him moving and told it is possible to take his mind of the pain, don’t fail him!

While I was being talked down to; with none of my concerns taken or listened to, Angus at this time was in another room with the physio getting out of a chair 27 times and throwing a ball around. And it seems to me no matter how many times I tell everyone in the medical profession that his problem is not moving or lack of wanting to move, it is the fact that when he stops for days and weeks afterwards the pain is constant and unbearable. But it is my anxiety that brings the pain on I’m told; if I do not acknowledge the pain the pain will go away? Perhaps they are right. Last night Angus was more himself – hyper and buoyant full of life. He mentioned he had a headache as he went to bed, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Perhaps the weeks it has taken us to get Angus in a comfortable state, was just a figment of my imagination, I see the pain more acutely as a parent (undeniably true, I would move heaven and earth to stop anything from hurting the people I love) and Angus does not have so much of a problem with it now? Indeed most people who do not deal with it on a day-to-day basis feel this way; we are conditioned to believe that over anxious mothers adds to our children’s suffering. I wonder if a study has been carried out to see how many children’s lives have been saved by these those over anxious mothers.

ME/CFS history has been littered with mothers that are apparently over anxious and distressed. Only for it to be proven this condition is acute and caused by an ongoing infection. There are also many littered children turned into adults left to fester in the belief they are willing themselves ill.

Angus never travels well, he walked through the hospital because they frown on me using a wheelchair, and then they exercised him, knowing full well my concerns. They do not do this maliciously I would hope, but because they believe they are right and that I am over anxious. That is what they have been taught.

The next couple of weeks will show me if I am what they accuse me of. I have decided to live each day as it is, change what you can for the better and keep calm and carry on to be happy x

Well a Year on and he has never recovered from that day. 4 days after that visit to the hospital he was more or less bed bound! We moved hospitals and this is what he has been tested for so far:

Coeliac: Diagnosed two years after Angus became ill with damage to his Villi beyond repair now? Coeliac is an allergy to Wheat that crumples your villi! Without your Villi working, you cannot take the goodness out of your food. So for two years my son has been malnourished.

PoTS; He has just been diagnosed with Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS) it is an abnormal increase in heart rate after sitting or standing up. Nice was aware of the connection of PoTS and ME and in 2010, they made a note to look into to this further. They have put ME/CFS on the static list, so that it will not be looked into now for a very long time. Why?? This condition can cause so many problems with day to day living and can be life threatening!

Still looking into his connective tissue problems.

I cannot believe how mothers of very sick child are treated. With total disregard to the actual damage to their child’s health and the very physical illnesses they have. As you read this, one of the so called leading Paediatrics into this condition, and one of the only Charities to help mothers and their children are funding a PACE trial for children called MAGENTA.

We are now in 2017 and yet another trial called FITnet-NHS has started and we should all hang our heads in shame. Tymes Trust has had more than 180 parents accused of Fabricating or Inducing Illness (FII).

How does that feel ?

The leading paediatric in ME/CFS who researchers on children and is doing the FITnet-NHS trial gets the parents involved but look at the wording "address the parents beliefs and behaviour" if you read that would you start to think about the parents involvement in their child's health. I think this needs to be addressed and  the researchers held accountable? Mar-Jane Willows is now part of Action for ME and so this adds to the seeming legitimate questioning of the parent and misinforms about the physical medical problems of ME? 

Dr Ramsey in 1986 yes in 1986!!! For havens sake defined Myalgic Encephalomyelitis:

A syndrome initiated by a virus infection
A multisystem disease
Neurologial disturbance
Musculo-skeletal dysfunction.

So it is not as though we do not understand how it affects the body, but because we have no test a group of psychiatrists could theorise, fudge the figures on a trial paid for by the Department Work and Pensions and get away with it!

Our society would never knowingly groom or harm children would it? Our Government would make sure the right thing is done? NHSE would demand the correct treatment and NICE Guidelines would not recommend a treatment that would harm us? GMC is there to protect the public from malpractice not for other medical practitioners to use it for their will and biding. So how come treatments can harm and not be routed out and the people that use and advocate them can become so powerful?

I do not use the term “groom” lightly, but ME patients are groomed to believe they are capable of living:

It is only when dealing with "CFS/ME" (and Gulf War Syndrome) that these psychiatrists are regarded by Government bodies and the medical insurance industry as "experts". These psychiatrists are on record as being actively involved in social engineering via the deliberate creation of "psychosocial" illness. They believe that the biomedical approach to healthcare (ie. that ill-health and disability is directly caused by disease and its pathological processes) is (quote) "a blind alley" and that the correct approach is the psychosocial one, in which "aberrant" thoughts, feelings and behaviour can be "modified" by their own brand of cognitive behavioural therapy with graded exercise (CBT/GET), resulting in restoration of health and productivity.

Sophia was forcefully taken from her home and put into a mental hospital she died as a result and her autopsy proved how much damage was done to her internally.

That was back in 2011 when the PACE trial was taking control of ME. 2017 with all the evidence now showing ME is in the blood NICE refuses to budge and Angus?

Well Angus gets no treatment we get no help. We don't have a blue badge due to the PACE trial believers, but that blue badge could give back some of his life.

What of his future? No one can tell me. But we hope the many good researchers will get the funding they need.

Angus is now 12 and has an hours lesson once a week and it takes him four days to recover which is better than the 15 minutes with a weeks recovery. it is progress.

If the flaws in the PACE trial was looked into at the beginning Angus would not be as disabled as he is not?

Monday, 30 March 2015

ME/CFS is bullying Angus again

We are off again to the hospital (30/03/15) ME/CFS is bullying Angus again.

Angus who is acutely aware how this can effect him, questions my judgement on this front. Can’t say I blame the poor little fellow. His thoughts are: his brother is home and is willing to play with him (if and when ever he wakes up) so why should he waste his energy on doing something that will not make any difference at all. His other point is – why should he put himself through the pain of it all?

I have no answers. But we going anyway, what else can I do? This journey of only twenty minutes duration can not have that much of an effect on him? Grit your teeth and carry on?

We shall see, He has defiantly improved over the last couple of days. He has started to doodle and move about much more, so perhaps this is the beginning of his recovery?

I am sceptical, because we have been here so many times before. If you follow this just keep in mind the effects of any exertion can take 48 hours to emerge. Over the next week I will try to post how it all turns out for him, us.

Wish us luck x

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Needles in a Haystack

They are looking for tinny needles in a ravaged haystack! Jostling for funding making claim and counter claims, while people struggle to gain some sort of life. I thought to myself as I plunged the toilet brush down and around the u-bend, giving the toilet another good dowsing of cleaner.

This is defiantly going to be a defining Tilly Moment, I smile to myself. I took a few moments to watch the vortex suck the cleaner away. It’s like needles in a haystack on a farmyard of disgruntled animals, I considered with the loo brush suspended in thought. There are a lot of fluffy ducks; I chuckled as I attacked the floor with gusto, a Cockrill, a grumpy donkey that is flogged for being slow. A picture of an idyllic scene popped in my head as the idea gained momentum. Where there are animals, there is normally a lot of… well stinky manure to clean; that’s the story of my life I shruged as I turn on the shower with my determined furrowed brow. I pull up my rubber gloves.

This analogy sums up our knowledge of ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, MS, coeliac and Alzheimer’s, I continued thinking as I rammed the double duvet in washing in the machine. The salesman had said it would take a king size duvet, but it don’t, frustration started to set in, coupled with my anger, I decided the best cause of action was to sit and write.

If you take the haystack as the central nervous system with the many complex issues hidden inside, that haystack contained within a farmyard (the body of the patient) with many animals (cells, organs, glands and limbs) around it, that are being damaged by ME/CFS (the needles). Even though it has been proven beyond any doubt the needles are there, not everyone accepts this – they cannot see/find the needles, so dismiss the damage being done, choosing to impart the blame to all sorts of behavioural disorders. I purpose it’s not their fault? They don’t appear to possess the intelligence to understand we still do not know all there is to know about the human body. I sip the hot coffee and think. Perhaps they are like the pre-Socratic philosophers who; bless them, believed that the world was flat. Philosophers are full of barmy ideas, but you cannot reason with them, they are all knowing.
Unfortunately the people that have proven the needles exist don’t know what the needles are made from, or how to find them. This means they cannot find the right magnet to locate or get rid of the needles before long-term damage is done.

The poor farmer (the brain or in our case Angus) has been running around shouting about the danger, but no one has been listening. His animals are being hurt (animals being the organs, glands and limbs) are in pain as the needles surge through his/their body. I hold the steamer in mid-air as I once again try to get rid of the toffee on the cooker. I think the Philosophers are barmy, I giggle as I start to write my outline of a story. Here I am thinking in terms of sheep and pigs as though it would make ME more understandable, well it makes it more fun, so I make a coffee and give the story my full attention.

The farmer, I thought needs all of his animals to be fit and healthy, as they make up the ecosystem which makes the farmer’s beautiful and diverse farm. But the longer this situation carries on the more dishevelled his haystack becomes, no matter how hard he tries to rebuild his haystack, another wind comes and blows it down. The animals then are left to forage around picking up bits of hay, and are then in danger of finding the tinny needles and consume them or roll around in them. No graphic illustration needed of what could happen to the animals.

Now the Mother of the farmer has being witnessing his plight, and has watched over a long period, helping as much as she can. She understands that the best thing for the farmer and his animals, is that a huge magnet, but knows the right one has yet to be found or made. Maintenance is the only option open to her for now.
She constantly runs around all the people she can think of to find out how and when the winds will come and bring yet more needles. Some dismiss her and don’t understand about the needles and the winds, which she is surprised about. The concept of winds carrying needles are not new – coughs and sneezes spread diseases.

The wind however is like a swirl of nature that hits at unreasonable times and by the time the disbelieving people come and see the farm; her farmer son has cleared up and hidden the damage. He is a very proud and hardworking farmer, which loves his ecosystem and wants it to work properly. He wants everyone to see the beauty of his farm and not the chaos. His ecosystem runs around plugging gaps as best they can, but they are fighting a loosing battle.

For now the farmers mother has put a huge cover over the haystack, she knows it’s not strong enough if the winds come down again, she knows the animals will nest, pull at and rummage through the haystack, but it is the best she can do for now. The ecosystem shows its determination, but how long can this now flimsy covering contain those sharp implements of destruction? She also knows the cover keeps the haystack dry and brittle and at any moment could burn out! Then how would they be able to sustain the farm animals? She has taken the farmer inside the farmhouse for a rest. But the farmer is all forlorn without his farm and the friends that help him to maintain it all. His mind wont rest, he needs to get on.

People come and go with their new brooms and sweep, taking all the good hay away with them. She shoos them away, but they come back with bigger brooms. She is a strong and determined Mother but that does not bode well to the people who still believe the world is flat and that, positive thought techniques is the only thing that could possibly drive a body to wellness.
At last it’s time to put the animals away for the night and the farmer and his mother start to run around the farm trying to catch chickens, the three Billy goats gruff, geese, fluffy and the not so fluffy ducks, find and catch the errant pig, convince the stubborn donkey it’s time to go in its stable and cuddle daisy the cow. They fall in a heap and laugh about their topsy turvy days. They dream separately for a while of the farm they know they could have.

When  the farmyard falls quiet and the farmer is asleep at last, the farmers mother goes out to the haystack and has a closer look, ties down, as best she can the flimsy covering. Sweeps the debris and pushes it under, hoping it will be contained and out of harm’s way. She walks slowly to the hill near the duck pond; her favourite spot. Her faithful dogs by her side, she starts to wonder at the magic the farm holds, as the sun sinks on another exhausting day, where the animals have ran rampant through the haystack.

She reflects on when they found a beautiful butterfly struggling to fly in the wind. How they both giggled with joy when they caught it, and put it in the huge greenhouse full of plants so that it could be free to fly without the winds hindrance. How it danced and bobbed around on the warm breeze of the ventilation fans. She hopes they will be able to see it tomorrow. But you can never tell with butterflies, fleeting beauties as they are. Perhaps she can draw one. She looks across the sky to see the stars and the silvery moon, there are a lot of things to marvel at and a lot of people that will never take the time to see what happens to be in-front of them. She hoped that she was not one of those people.

We had once been told that the world was flat and if we set sail we would drop off the end, and look how that ended, she smiled to herself. What if we just took the word of those people who said our world was flat? She remembered she had been told that infants didn’t feel pain when they teethed, and that nappy rash was most defiantly not caused by the infant teething, when it was so clearly the cause, she started to giggle. Scientists said it was impossible that Bees could fly, due to the aerodynamics of their shape, but they do. ‘I love honey’, the farmer’s mother laughed to herself. ‘Sometimes’ she whispered out loud, ‘we see and we don’t look, we hear but we don’t listen, we think we know, but simply, we don’t understand.’

Most people choose not to listen to her, for she is just the farmer’s mother, and no one will listen to her farmer son, as he is considered too young to know what the world is about. Worst of all, some think he would rather have a dishevelled farm with no ecosystem. How little some intelligent people want to understand, or open their mind to. But as always there is money to be made in muck. She sighed and her shoulders sagged.

She had read that Katerina Netolicka, a Prada Model, died from working out too much, she was only 26. Rowing as hard as he could didn’t do Andrew Marr any good either, and that Henry Worsley died after developing a serious gut infection, when he had pushed his body to the point of no return, he was only 55. He thought he just needed to rest and recoup. Why is it that we think we can push our bodies so hard with no detrimental effects? She mutters as she looks across at the purple huge that covers the slumbering farm, they don’t see the chaos because they don’t look for it, they can just deny it happens, because we all cover it up.

She looked out over the flat land with its shades of purple darkness and up to the moon, now plump and round in the sky, if only they lifted their chins and really looked at that the silvery moon, they would understand that this world is round, full and slightly surreal, and that’s ok! If only they could offer a blanket to keep her warm, so that she may enjoy the moon and not fight the cold of despair, it would be a help.

Change what you can, and learn to live with what is left, she softly said to herself.

Prof Julia Newman has found some very interesting needles

And here with Simon Ellis they give a good understanding to the full round picture emerging of the complexities of ME.

They need all our support and encouragement! One day I feel sure, they will come up with an answer for us. A day where we can go to a doctor and feel confident they will understand, and do no more harm to us!