Showing posts with label bingo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bingo. Show all posts

Friday, 26 November 2010

My Most Glamorous Gran, my Nana Anne

A lot of the work I have included in this blog is highly personal, this poem the most personal of all. But, it’s far reaching, as in a way it encompasses us all, yet you could have viewed my Nan through stereotypical glasses and easily dismissed her gems of wisdom.

My Nan was one of the stereotypical working class bingo players, of the fluffy slippers and feather duster kind. In her palace, not a knickknack was ever out of place and a spec of dust was polished away the instant it dared to fall. I could lament on, about how life in the beginning had been hard and explain why she enjoyed the things and the life she had, but it would take to long.

She encompasses us all and embodies what we should all strive for: - to live through the hard times to have a little laughter and fun. Her life was normal in a very extraordinary way, as many peoples are. Perhaps, we should idolise the ordinary and not the manufactured celebrity, the first would be a happier and far more achievable life.

These ordinary people have insights the scholars take millenniums to contemplate. Like uncut diamonds they give their wisdom and if you polish it well, you will end up with a sparkle to life that gives a rainbow hue of sheer  delight.

My Most Glamorous Gran, my Nana Anne

You were my most
Glamorous Gran
Always dressed to perfection.
I have memories: -
Blue Morris Minor;
With a glove compartment
That was filled with the aroma
Of apples, leather gloves
And a duster or two.

A Pinny adorned
To clean ornaments galore,
Most of all
Your laughter.

These memories I’ve wrapped
Softly and gently with love
That will; in an instant,
Conjure up you.

But it’s the gift you gave
I’m thankful for;
A wise crystal,
A bright and beautiful Gem
You placed in my heart.

Sat on your bed with photos
You told me
How love is given
And can never be taken back.
‘You can’t turn it on and off like a tap;
Everyone is different’ you said
‘You don’t give less or more!
But give it the best way you can!

Mother, Farther,
Spouse, significant other,
Child, brother, sister
Family and friends
Are all individuals
Do you see?’
You said

This clear, bright
Rainbow hue of a diamond
You placed in my heart;
Safe from plunder,
Thank you x

A Year on from your passing this poem reminds me, life is worth working hard at.

Even when hurt and pain causes me to plunder my sole, that rainbow hue always makes my heart shine bright Love as always Tilly x