Thursday, 29 November 2018

The Care and Quality Commission

The care and Quality Commission asked if anyone had regretted not complaining and went on Twitter.

I had 101 things to say but here is my reply:

I wished I could complain but the system is stacked against ME

I am a mother of a 13-year-old boy who has severe ME. There are more systems wrong with his body than I can count, and his reality is denied.

He has been bed/housebound from the age of 9, ill from the age of 8. He is one of those people who could never sit still, his illness has not changed his personality or his need to climb and fly, his body has severely clipped his wings though.

ME is a political illness with treatment of CBT and GET attached strongly to the insurance industry and Department of Work and Pensions and therefore the governments over the last 3 decades.
No research grants from the GMC into the biological cause of ME is awarded and those that suffer are left to find the unbelievable history of this illness themselves. With all known helpful treatments denied to the patients. Even though I have a good grasp of this illness I find it difficult to ask for help from my GP. This is because of the misinformation being given on how to diagnose ME and the cause.

Furthermore, the wrong treatments advocated by those that refuse the evidence of the biomedical and physiological problems of ME, with treatments that are put forward as a cure or help with symptoms make my child worse. I do complain to deaf ears due to empire and self-interest.

This system of “protect some professionals at all cost”, causes untold damage to very young children like my son, with many silently nursing professional abuse of Fabricating and Inducing Mental Illnesses on young children that triggers PTSD. To deny a child’s truth is unforgivable. The history over 3 decades tells their story, openly shared on Twitter, YouTube and social media, in government documents and the general media, like the 3 wise monkeys’ organisations such as yourselves see, hear and do not speak of the evil that is done to our 25,000 children. Happy to gaslight us as women and as mothers with mass hysteria tag that hides the ME, EDS, autoimmune epidemic, thyroid and heart attacks.

Mothers like me are aggressively targeted as scapegoats and accused of Fabricating and Inducing Illness (FII), our family courts are given false information about this illness by those that believe the Camelford Water incidence was a form of mass hysteria and caused no damage, oil spills in Scotland had no harmful effect and were greatly helped by not being given to the press - thus avoiding mass hysteria. Women are gaslighted about their pain and if they are a mother it is naturally assumed; if their child remains ill - it must be down to them, professionals are always right?

You could not make up the Camelford water incident and the illogical reasoning was addressed? Oh no the person who put forward the illogical was promoted and is given a review of the mental health of our county? what does that say about our healthcare and the mental health care in our country? Forensic biomarkers are there and respiratory, liver damage along with a decrease in immunity, increase of cancer and higher levels of toxins, yet we pay no attention to the human cost. Blame it on mass hysteria.

When I complained about the hypocrisy to the GMC so they may look into the trials, treatments and history that have led to this impossible situation, they said they would do nothing. However, I could complain about the individual doctors who had misdiagnosed my son and given him inappropriate treatments. I do have a strong case but for 2 very important reasons I do not complain, but openly speak of the truth.

1.       With misinformation and the history of denial of the facts about ME. Along with underline political agenda, a complaint would put my son under threat of being taken away from his loving family. Some professionals will stop at nothing to hide the truth, the harm to children unrecognised. They try to get good doctors stuck off. The GMC are aware of the situation with some Doctors being sent to them 28 times.

2.       Why should I complain about well-intentioned doctors who have been misinformed about this illness and not taught how to diagnose or treat properly? CQC, NICE, NHS England, Government are responsible and are aware, so nothing will change until you do.