Monday, 13 May 2013

Well Flapjack Monday I'm a Working Mother

You need a good flapjack, especially on a Monday. This Monday I needed them even more. Ella Starts her GCSE’s and Axl his A’s and my nervous breakdown is about to kick in. If ever there was a time I needed my oats, honey and almonds it was now! But alas the oven was too hot, the recipe not quite tweaked enough, and multitasking was my down fall. I kid you not when I say I had to get a chisel to chip away at the dried and burnt offerings. 

Ella – ever valiant smiled at me in that ‘Oh mum you really try’ sort of way she has that always brings a tear to my eye. And even though we both knew it was not up to my normal standard, we made the best of a bad job.

I took some into work; well I needed something to soak up all the coffee I had been drinking. Stay Calm and drink coffee was my motto of the day. I handed out my offerings which were greatly received, and it made me smile as one golden almond encrusted oat went flying across the room hitting a beam of light as it swivelled in full flight. Good job I thought that it didn’t hit anyone, it could have taken someone’s eye out and you all know how I am with health and safety in the work place.

This evening I came home and tweaked the recipe a little and a little less heat in the oven, with a lot more concentration and the outcome was much more of that comfort melting extravaganza that we all so needed. Happy faces all round just what you need to keep the stamina up.

Tilly’s Flapjack Monday recipe

1 pack of unsalted butter (250g)
75g of brown sugar
3-4 tb spoons of honey
1 tb spoon golden syrup
50g flaked almonds
500g rolled oats

Melt the butter, brown sugar, honey and golden syrup. Add the almonds and rolled oats and taste adjust honey and golden syrup to your liking. Place into a swish roll tin and bake between 12 – 15 mins at around 150 in a fan oven until lightly golden.

Make a coffee or any beverage that will make you take you time to savour this indulgent pleasure I added a few blueberries so I could say it was healthy. As any working mother knows just being able to bake a simple treat and have a little time to sit and reflect is a wonderful pleasure. Even more of a pleasure, when you have perfected the recipe and shared it with family, friends and workmates.  

I wanted to take pictures and show the results of my labour but time chaises on and if I move away of my laptop, I'll start to wash up and would never post this, Oh and I'm sorry for speaking with my mouth full x