Saturday, 15 December 2012


There is something rather nice about sharing nibbles, a pot chilli, and nachos with free flowing wine and conversation. Children and young adults can put you in your place and give you a perspective rarely thought of when nearing your fifties. Everyone without exception should revisit their younger self and dream on a cloud from time to time.

This evening after a rather fraught week my children, friends and relatives reminded me of the cloud floating time in my youth. You see I love riding motor bikes (fine weather only) I love the way it opens your senses and encourages you to float with your minds free thoughts.

I’m eclectic in taste and frame of mind. So riding down to Kent bike show one year I was looking forward to the diverse experience and decided to camp, but not to rough it totally. Kev thought he hit the jackpot when I jumped at the chance of going to this roughty toughty wet-t-shirt consumed two day show. A two man tent was his only concession he thought, I thought a double air-bed was in order and a change of clothes. Have you ever tried to get a double air-bed in a two man tent, or a change of clothes in panniers? Well from experience let me tell you it is not easy with either. Take the air bed in a two man tent, when you have the damned thing in place it bulges out the sides and pulls down the top so the canvas touches your nose. It was hilarious at the time but reliving it with people who see me only as upstanding mother of three –it was sublime.

View points and opinions of me changed, shifted and (most pleasing of all) broke. Lack of money and extra responsibility really do make you a two dimensional character.

This coming year I hope to take my bike test (just don’t tell Kev, the thought of me riding his Harley will fill him with fear) and ride once more the rolling hills on my own bike. But is this just a dream, one of those floating clouds of thought that just pour down in responsibility, until that very fine and beautiful cloud disintegrates. I do hope not, I want to be that three dimensional character, effervescent, and all floaty person I used to be.

What floaty dream cloud do you have, that frothy bit of your character that you hide from responsibility? don't be shy share it with us.